Chandelier Lighting | American Lighting Store

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Chandelier Lighting

Ceiling lighting defines a room and illuminates your style: Installing a chandelier is a beautiful and effective way of creating a focal point inside your room. Set the stage today with a gorgeous new chandelier! Choose from a variety of styles from traditional, to contemporary, to farmhouse and more. There are a variety of lighting types to choose from including LED and incandescent bulbs.

Not sure what size you need? Here are the general rules for hanging a chandelier.

What are the general rules for hanging a chandelier?

Measuring in feet, take the length of the room and add that to the width of the room. The sum of those two numbers will give you the approximate diameter of your chandelier in inches. For example, a room that is 12’ x 15’ should have a chandelier of roughly 27” in diameter to fill the space. If you are hanging the chandelier over a dinning table the chandelier should be approximately 50% of the width of your table or more to be proportioned correctly.

In general, a chandelier should hang at about 30” above a table top. If you have high ceilings, then increase the height by 1” for every additional foot you have above 9’. Don’t forget to leave some room for the chain!

Note: Any chandelier weighing more than 35 lbs. may require a special junction box in your ceiling to ensure the fixture is secure. Electricians should be able to assist you with this.